1 min read
04 Dec

Written and Edited - May 12th, 2017 - 11:12 am to 11:40 am

Edited - May 12th, 2017 - 1:42 pm to 1:44 pm

Gayle Korotkin was one of the lawyers who worked on some of the legal aspects of November 3rd with one or more trials.

She also lived with us on Cypress Street for a period of time.  I Remember one time I saw her put a bag of bread away. She closed the bag with the bag itself.

I thought that was the coolest thing and I still think that it is today.  A natural way to close the bag.  You don't need any other material.  It's a resourceful solution.

At some point I learned how to close the bread bag by using the bag itself.

I don't remember all of the details.  But I think that I might have made a comment to Gayle about how cool or neat that was.  And she showed me or taught me how to close a bread bag using the bag itself.

We held the bag and turned it around so that the bag created a way to intertwine the bag parts to tie it into a loose knot in order to close it and open it again.

Thanks Gayle.

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